02 Nov Sarawak’s KL SEA Games 2017 athletes get incentives
Posted by Majlis Sukan Negeri Sarawak on 1hb November 2017
KUCHING – A total of 24 Sarawak athletes and 27 para athletes who competed in the recent Kuala Lumpur SEA Games 2017 received cash incentives totalling RM557,000 from the State Government during a incentive presentation ceremony held at Grand Ballroom of Riverside Majestic Hotel on October 31. The athletes won 13 gold, two silver and 16 bronze medals at the SEA Games while another 10 gold, 19 silver and 21 bronze medals at the Asean Para Games.
They were rewarded with cash incentives of RM10,000, RM7,000 and RM5,000 for a gold, silver or bronze medal in the presentation ceremony which was attended by Sarawak Chief Minister, His Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Dr Abang Johari Tun Openg who was accompanied by Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports, YB Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Minister of Welfare, Community Well Being, Women, Family and Childhood Development, YB Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah and Assistant Minister for Youth and Sports, YB Datuk Snowdan Lawan.
Sarawak swimmers were the biggest winners of the night with Welson Sim Wee Seng receiving a windfall of RM32,000 while para swimmers Mohd Adib Iqbal Abdullah and Anderson Jamba pocketed RM29,000 and RM27,000 respectively. Other top performers in the swimming team included Fraidden Dawan (RM25,000), Jamery Siga (RM22,000), Julius Jaranding (RM21,000) and Ting Jin Ping (RM21,000) while diving diva Pandelela Rinong walked away with RM20,000. Among the non-swimmers who won big were Wushu exponent Loh Jack Chang (RM20,000) and track and field athlete Davis Machang (RM19,000).
Also present during the function were the Chief Minister’s wife, Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Patinggi Hajjah Juma’ani Tuanku Bujang, Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Integrity and Ombudsman). YB Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, YB Datuk Lee Kim Shin, Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports permanent secretary, Datu Ik Pahon Joyik and Sarawak Sports Corporation Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ong Kong Swee were also among those present.