KUCHING: The Sarawak Sports Corporation (SSC) and Sarawak State Sports Council (MSNS) as part of its ongoing effort to achieve sports performance excellence in Sarawak have rendered their support on the upcoming conferences of the 6th Movement, Health & Exercise (MoHE) and the 12th International Sports Science Conference 2019 (ISSC 2019). The conferences will be held at waterfront Hotel Kuching, on the 30th September to 2nd October 2019.

Co-organised by the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), MoHE Journal and the Sports Division, Higher Education Sector, Ministry of Education Malaysia and with full support given by the Sarawak Convention Bureau and Sarawak Sports Corporation, the conference is expected to feature an impressive line-up of speakers from Malaysia and Overseas.

Commenting on the event, Dr. Ong Kong Swee, Chief Executive Officer of Sarawak Sports Corporation (SSC)  and Director of Sarawak State Sports Council (MSNS) shared that, “Sports Science plays a crucial key role in enhancing the performance of athletes especially those in Hight Performance Sports which later will have a greater impacts on their long-term health and well-being. Therefore, coaches, athletes and significant others need to work together with sport scientist in order to improve the various aspects of training and performance align to achieve the long term success in sports.”

Dr. Ong also calls for participation from various sports organisations and industries to join this conference. Indeed, this will be an ideal platform for stakeholders to engage in the knowledge sharing and explore ways to develop sports industry amongst academia, sport professional and practitioners.

In this respect, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Dr. Chin Ngieng Siong ,Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Batu Lintang also commented that registration can be made online at

More information can be obtained from the conference’s website ( Enquiries may be sent to the conference secretariat at 604 562 2888 (Advanced Medical & Dental Institute) or 019 8586898 (Dr. Chin) or via email



Sarawak Sports Corporation