27 Jan Minister supports SMK Tabuan Jaya sports school plans
KUCHING: SMK Tabuan Jaya sports school plans to become a centre for athletics, archery, football, handball and sepak takraw had received the support and encouraging response from Sarawak Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports, Yb Datuk Snowdan Lawan.
He recommended the school principal, Encik Edward Ngelai to approach Sarawak State Sports Council (MSNS) and Sarawak Sports Corporation (SSC), Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ong Kong Swee to work closely over the matter.
“It is not a problem and we can discuss about it…MSN can make arrangements to send coaches to the school to conduct the training programmes,” he said at the launching ceremony of SMK Tabuan Jaya athletes camp held recently.
The three-day camp was participated by 367 students and was themed “Reach For The Stars” with the objectives of improving the students self management, personality, confidence and building mental and physical toughness, identifying their goals in academics and sports as well as conducting a pre-test on the students in a systematic and scientific way according to the respective sports programmes.
In saying that the students are the stars of Sarawak and future stars of Malaysia, YB Datuk Snowdan advised them to stay focused in the various sports they are involved in.
“To achieve your goals be it in academics or sports, you must not only work hard but work smart…I hope that one day you will become big stars like our diving queen Pandelela (Rinong Pamg) and make Sarawak proud,” he added.